IAD SPORENIE is designed for everyone who wants to save e.g. retirement, a better education for your children or just for fun, and thus secure a financial reserve for the future for yourself or your loved ones. IAD SPORENIE offers a choice of 6 investment strategies according to the degree of risk the client is willing to take. The amount of expected return depends not only on selected investment strategy, but also on the saving period and the amount of the regular deposits.
Bank account of the fund: IBAN: SK92 7500 0000 0002 5515 1943
Variable symbol: Birth number/Company ID No.
Specific symbol: 20116
Savings information
Investment strategies for IAD SPORENIE
Life-cycle strategy – includes four investment strategies (Growth, Mixed, Balanced, Real Estate) that are applied according to your remaining saving period and the composition of your portfolio is adjusted according to them to achieve returns on your savings.
Real estate strategy – stable returns at low to medium level of investment risk. Mutual funds that invest primarily in real estate and bonds are acquired into the portfolio with a real estate strategy.
Balanced strategy – higher returns at medium to high level of investment risk. The balanced strategy portfolio includes mutual funds investing their assets in bonds, real estate, financial instruments whose underlying assets are shares and bonds and, to a lesser extent, shares.
Mixed strategy – higher returns at medium to higher investment risk. The mixed strategy portfolio includes mutual funds investing their assets primarily in equities, bonds and financial instruments, whose underlying assets are equities, bonds and, to a lesser extent real estate.
Growth strategy – higher returns at a higher degree of investment risk. The portfolio of the growth strategy includes mutual funds investing their assets primarily in equities, to a lesser extent in bonds, financial instruments the underlying of which are shares and bonds. financial instruments the underlying of which are shares and bonds.
PRF Savings – stable returns at low to medium level of investment risk. At PRF Savings, following financial instruments are acquired into the portfolio – units of the First Real Estate Fund, which invests its assets in real estate.
As part of the Investment Strategies for IAD SPORENIE, you invest in financial instruments – mutual fund units managed by IAD. For more information on investment strategies, see the Investment Strategies Offer for IAD SPORENIE.
Starting from 20 EUR per month
With IAD SPORENIE you can save from 20 EUR per month, and you can determine the amount of the deposit by yourself according to your preferences.
flexible saving period from 5 to 40 years
different saving frequencies
up to 6 investment strategies to choose from
Free secure access to IAD ONLINE where you can track your savings progress
The model example shows the expected return of a regular monthly / one-off deposit with the entry fee taken into account from the amount of deposits for the chosen strategy. The expected return serves only as a model example and the actual development may differ from the given model example.
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Skôr ako urobíte akékoľvek investičné rozhodnutie, pozrite si všetky súvisiace informácie o IAD Sporení vrátane poplatkov, ktoré ako Klient hradíte, v dokumentoch: Obchodné podmienky pre IAD Sporenie, Ponuka Investičných stratégií pre IAD Sporenie, Zmluva pre IAD Sporenie, Sadzobník poplatkov pre IAD Sporenie a Informácia o IAD a ňou poskytovaných službách, ktoré sú k dispozícii v slovenskom jazyku v sídle IAD Investments, správ. spol., a.s. (ďalej len „IAD“) alebo v sídle Sprostredkovateľa.
IAD Sporenie ponúka Investičné stratégie s nízkym až vysokým stupňom investičného rizika a je určené pre osoby, ktoré sú neprofesionálnymi klientami a nie sú rezidentami Spojených štátov amerických, a ktoré sú ochotné podstúpiť stredné až vysoké riziko spojené s investíciou, a teda riziko kolísania jej hodnoty, prípadne aj straty investovaných prostriedkov, a ktorých investičné ciele smerujú k zhodnoteniu majetku a/alebo vytvoreniu finančnej rezervy. Pri poskytovaní IAD Sporenia je Portfólio Klienta tvorené podielovými listami podielových fondov spravovaných IAD a peňažnými prostriedkami určenými na ich nadobudnutie. Hodnota investície do podielového fondu sa môže aj znižovať a nie je zaručená návratnosť pôvodne investovanej sumy, s investíciou je spojené aj riziko.
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