We are proud of our work and results. They are a challenge for the future. IAD Investments as the oldest Slovak asset management company has provided financial services in Central European countries since 1991. As part of our European operations, we manage assets in Slovakia and Czech Republic with a total value of more than 2 644 389 722 EUR.
We have built a portfolio of strong products and we offer our clients management of investments in mutual funds, saving programs and individual asset management. Our clients are investors from many European countries. We sell financial products through a network of financial agents and we cooperate with major international financial institutions.
We are a member of SASS – Slovenská asociácia správcovských spoločností (Slovak Association of Asset Management Companies), AKAT ČR – Asociace pro kapitálový trh ČR (Association for Capital Market of the Czech Republic) and AOCP – Asociácia obchodníkov s cennými papiermi (Association of Security Dealers). High quality and professionalism of our fund management has earned numerous awards in prestigious financial product competitions, such as Zlatá minca, Fincentrum & Forbes, Top fond Slovakia and World finance investment management awards.