• Individual management
Individual management

Individual Portfolio Management

Individual portfolio management is a systematic and comprehensive management of the client’s funds using the portfolio management investment service. We consider it the highest form of care for the client’s assets.

The special approach to the client and the availability make us exceptional. We enable private and individual management of funds from the amount of 30 000 €.

Individual management

Creating an individual portfolio


Introduction to investing

We will provide you with comprehensive information about our company, the investment system, the legislative protection of your investment, the fees and the risks associated with investment.


Setting financial goals

Your needs and goals are unique, so it is important to know your financial plans, investment horizons and investment experience.


Determining the investment strategy according to your needs

After a thorough analysis of your investment requirements, capacity, knowledge and experience, we will propose the most suitable strategy for increasing your assets.


Creating an individual portfolio and investing

We will invest your funds in line with the agreed investment strategy, creating an individual portfolio of securities, bank products, unit certificates and other financial instruments. The creation of individual portfolios is a continuous development process. We are constantly looking for suitable investment opportunities and devise financial products that meet your requirements. This process involves regular in-depth analyses, thorough market knowledge and years of experience in collective investment.

Structure of client portfolios


We manage your portfolio actively

Your portfolio is evaluated and fine-tuned throughout the investment period on a daily basis. We adjust it to changes on the financial markets and changes in the volume of your investment.


Liquidity management

You can increase or decrease the amount of managed funds at any time. We will take care of sufficient and timely liquidity.


The law is on your side

We are required to keep your funds separate from the assets of IAD Investments on your separate account, which is open in Československá obchodná banka, a.s. We manage your individual portfolio as an investment service pursuant to Act No. 566/2001 Coll. on Securities and Investment Services. We manage your funds and securities with professional care, based on our own judgment of an experienced portfolio manager. Of course, we keep internal records for your portfolio account.


IAD ONLINE and extra services

As a client of IAD Investments, you will be able to track the balance and development of your portfolio using secure access to IAD ONLINE. Every six months, we prepare your Portfolio Management Report, which we evaluate with you. We communicate with you regularly. We will provide you with access to current information in person, by phone or by e-mail at any time.

Requests and documents


Valid from

Become our client

We are happy to meet you in person. Contact us and take the first step towards individual asset management. Our individual asset management team, led by Mr. Ľuboš Fuzák, is at your disposal 7 days a week and 24 hours a day.

Miroslav Fajnor

Miroslav Fajnor

Bratislava, west and middle Slovakia
+421 908 872 591

Warning. This material is a marketing communication. The Private Banking portfolio management service offers investment strategies with a low to high degree of investment risk and is intended for persons who are not residents of the United States of America and who are willing to take a low to high risk associated with an investment, and therefore the risk of fluctuations in its value, or also losses of invested funds, and whose investment goal is the appreciation of assets, the creation of a financial reserve or regular income (payment of interest, dividends, income). When providing the Private Banking portfolio management service, the client’s portfolio is made up of Financial Instruments, which are mainly a share, bond, share certificate or equity participation of a collective investment entity, investment certificate, promissory note, derivative or other transferable security and funds intended for the acquisition of Financial Instruments. Investment in Financial Instruments in the management of the Private Banking portfolio is also associated with risk, the value of this investment may decrease and the return of the originally invested amount is not guaranteed.

Before you make any investment decision, see all related information about Private Banking portfolio management, including the fees you pay as a client, in the documents: Business terms for the provision of the Private Banking portfolio management service, Contract for the provision of the Private Banking portfolio management service, Fee schedule for RP Private Banking, Questionnaires and Information about IAD and the services it provides, which are available in the slovak language at the headquarters of IAD Investments, správ. spol., a.s., at the headquarters of the Intermediary or at Intermediaries who are subordinate financial agents and perform financial mediation on the basis of a contract concluded with the Intermediary.

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