A mixed mutual fund with an excellent performance/risk ratio. The fund protects the amount of invested capital. The recommended investment horizon is over 2 years.
Protected Equity 2
Fund performance
Basic information
Fund detail
Fund performance
Daily data: 27. 3. 2025
Price of 1 unit certificate: 0,04186800 EUR
Equity: 2 081 229,83 EUR
Performance graph of the mutual fund in EUR
Move the cursor over the curve to show performance of the mutual fund on the relevant date. For a period of over 1 year, the fund’s performance is shown cumulatively.
Protected Equity 2, o.p.f., IAD Investments, správ. spol., a.s.
Fund creation date: 31. 3. 2009
Past performance is not a predictor of future returns.
Graph of the annual performance values of the Protected Equity 2 mutual fund for the last 10 years as of
Past performance is not a prerequisite for future returns.
Fund performance in EUR, 27. 3. 2025
Past performance is not a predictor of future returns.
The performance shown is on the last day of the previous calendar month, with the exception of the value YTD 2025, which is reported as of 27. 3. 2025.
Past performance is not a predictor of future returns.
YTD 2025 | 1 month | 3 months | 6 months | 1 year | 3 years cumul. / p.a. | 5 years cumul. / p.a. | 10 years cumul. / p.a. | Since inception / p.a. |
-1,70 % | -1,04 % | 0,26 % | 3,76 % | 6,29 % | 12,38 % 3,96 % |
17,21 % 3,23 % |
15,95 % 1,49 % |
26,13 % 1,46 % |
Basic information
Who is the fund for
The mutual fund is intended for conservative investors investing in euro who wish to participate in the growth of equity markets and protect capital against risky maximisation of return. The recommended investment horizon is at least two years, starting on the first day of the protection period (for detailed information about the protected period, see the Fund Details or the Fund Statute). The mutual fund has a balanced investment strategy. If an investor invests for a period shorter than the recommended investment horizon, they incur an increased risk of not achieving the investment strategy’s goals.
Fund manager: | IAD Investments, správ. spol., a.s. |
Place of fund registration: | Slovak Republic |
Investment focus: | other funds |
Denomination currency: | EUR |
Bank details: | IBAN: SK15 0900 0000 0052 2768 7081 SWIFT: GIBASKBX |
Fund creation date: | 31. 3. 2009 |
Minimum initial investment: | 20 EUR |
Minimum subsequent investment: | 20 EUR |
Entry fee: | less than 16 000,00 EUR*: 3,00 %, 16 000,00 EUR* and more: individual** * total cumulative investment in our mutual funds **in compliance with the principle of equal treatment of all investors |
Exit fee: | 0% on the last working day of the set period*, 2% beyond the set period* *The term “Set Period” means the period for which the insurance period is determined. This term is explained in detail in section 1 of Article D of the Statute. |
Management fee: | 1,60 % p.a. |
Depository fee: | 0,144 % p.a. including VAT |
Summary Risk Indicator (SRI): | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
We have classified this Fund as 2 out of 7, which represents a low risk class. |
ISIN: | SK3110000674 |
Important documents: | Documents and forms |
Fund detail
Fund characteristics:
- A mixed fund in which the ratio between the equity and the bond is managed by the CPPI (Constant Proportion Portfolio Management) model
- For moderately conservative investors
- Recommended investment horizon is over 2 years
- The fund’s objective is to participate in the growth of equity markets in a 2-year horizon and ensure that the value of the invested share at the end of the specified period is equal to or higher than the value at the start of the investment period.
- Low market risk
- The fund invests in bonds (government, corporate and mortgage bonds), money market instruments and equity funds traded on the stock exchange that form a risk component
- Investments largely in EUR
- The fund is not regionally or sector limited
Investment strategy:
The focus of the investment policy is to invest the mutual fund’s assets mainly in government bonds, municipal and corporate bonds and mortgage bonds without regional restrictions, in unit certificates of other standard mutual funds, units of open special mutual funds or securities of other foreign collective investment undertakings (Exchange Traded Funds). The aim of the investment policy is to actively participate in the growth of the stock and bond markets through the active management of the mutual fund over a period of 2 years and at the same time to ensure that the value of the unit is equal to or higher than at the beginning of the investment period.
The specified periods will always be two years. The current period began to run on 01.04.2023, and each subsequent specified period begins on the first calendar day following the end of the previous specified period. The Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance (CPPI) hedging method is used to ensure the return on the mutual fund’s investment, which helps to optimize the appropriate ratio between individual asset classes.
Investments in financial derivatives are used for the purpose of achieving returns as well as for the purpose of hedging against mutual fund risk.
Factors influencing the development of the fund’s value are in particular:
Significant impact:
General market risk arising from changes in the general level of market prices or interest rates.
Market risk arising from changes in the market value of positions in the mutual fund caused by changes in variable market factors, such as interest rates, foreign exchange rates, share prices or a deterioration in the issuer’s creditworthiness.
Average impact:
Economic growth of the economy in the countries to which the mutual fund’s investments will be directed This type of risk has an average effect on the value of the unit.
Specific market risks arising from a change in the price of only one issuer of the relevant financial instrument, which is caused by factors related to the issuer of the relevant financial instrument and in the case of financial derivatives of the issuer of the relevant underlying instrument.
Statutes, sales prospectuses and key information documents
Sales Prospectus and Fund Statute (from 12.03.2025) (SVK)
Document with key information (from 12.03.2025) (SVK)
Additional information supplementing the key information document:
Comments on the fund
Monthly report – February 2025
Monthly report – December 2024
Monthly report – November 2024
Monthly report – September 2024
Monthly report – February 2024
Monthly report – December 2023
Monthly report – November 2023
Monthly report – September 2023
Monthly report – February 2023
Monthly report – December 2022
Monthly report – November 2022
Monthly report – September 2022
Monthly report – February 2022
Monthly report – December 2021
Monthly report – November 2021
Monthly report – September 2021
Monthly report - February 2021
Monthly report - December 2020
Monthly report - November 2020
Monthly report - September 2020
Monthly report - February 2020
Monthly report - December 2019
Monthly report - November 2019
Monthly report - September 2019
Monthly report - February 2019
Monthly report - December 2018
Monthly report - November 2018
Monthly report - September 2018
Monthly report - February 2018
Monthly report - December 2017
Monthly report - November 2017
Monthly report - September 2017
Monthly report - February 2017
Monthly report - December 2016
Monthly report - November 2016
Monthly report – September 2016
Annual and Semi Annual Report
Are you interested in investing in mutual funds or looking for further information?
This material is a marketing announcement. Before making any investment decision, review the sales prospectus, articles of association and key investor information document for IAD Investments, reports. spol., a.s. (hereinafter referred to as “IAD”) in the Slovak language at the registered office of IAD, at points of sale, at the registered office of the depositary or at www.iad.sk. For more information, contact your financial intermediary or www.iad.sk.
The value of the investment in the mutual fund may also decrease and the return on the amount originally invested is not guaranteed. There is also a risk associated with investing in mutual funds. In accordance with the mutual fund statutes, the share of securities issued by states and international organizations listed in the annex to the statutes of individual mutual funds may exceed 35% of the value of the fund’s assets, which may reach up to 100%. The IAD is obliged to pay out the unit certificate of the Prvý realitný fond and the Korunový realitný fond without delay, but no later than within an extended period of 12 months. Assets in the fund Prvý realitný fond is invested mainly in real estate, including accessories for the purposes of their management and sale, in ownership interests in real estate companies and in liquid financial assets, the economic nature of which results in close links with the real estate market. Korunový realitný fond has at least 85% of its assets continuously invested in the units of the Prvý realitný fond.