• Mutual funds
Mutual funds

Mutual funds

Our company’s goal is to develop and manage mutual funds to help you meet your financial needs and investment expectations.

Our top funds include Prvý realitný fond, 1. PF Slnko and Growth Opportunities.

Mutual funds

Funds offer

We create products with diverse investment strategies in line with the mood on global and European markets and taking into account long-term stability. We are committed to investing your money with deliberation and professional care.

Conservative investment

Conservative investment

A conservative investment strategy is suitable for investors who prefer a safe return on their investment to risky maximisation of return.

Balanced investment

Balanced investment

A balanced investment strategy is suitable for investors with a balanced attitude to risk who are interested in a steady, even growth of their investment at a lower level of risk.

Dynamic investment

Dynamic investment

A dynamic investment strategy is suitable for experienced investors who expect higher return of investment at a higher level of risk.

Equity funds

Equity funds

Equity funds are the most volatile of the funds, but on the other hand they bring the highest returns in the longer term (minimum 5 years). They may be focused on different types of stocks, or they may invest only in shares of companies in one sector (eg pharmaceutical companies) or one region (eg shares of US companies), etc.

Bond funds

Bond funds

Funds that invest most of their assets in bonds. They bring an interesting return when investing for a period of at least two years. They represent a suitable alternative to medium-term term deposits in banks.

Real estate funds

Real estate funds

Real estate funds invest mainly in real estate assets – real estate in housing, administration, logistics, trade and tourism in the form of direct investments, as well as indirectly through investments in real estate companies in these segments of the real estate market and financial derivatives to hedge and achieve revenues.

Mixed funds

Mixed funds

Funds that invest simultaneously in stocks and bonds, or in money market instruments. The ratio of shares and bonds or other financial instruments varies according to the focus of the fund’s investment policy.

Why to invest with us

Your investments are safe

Our clients’ assets are kept in accounts separate from the assets of the asset management company and in no case may become our property. The independent depository, which is Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s., ensures the custody of the mutual fund assets and monitors whether the asset management company handles the mutual fund assets in accordance with Act No. 203/2011 Coll. on Collective Investment, as amended.

Your investments are safe

Watching your investment’s development with feet on the table

You have a safe and simple internet overview of your savings and investments, you can track their appreciation, your current balance of assets and transaction history. As a client investing with IAD Investments, you automatically obtain secure access to IAD ONLINE and IAD Mobile application .

Watching investment’s development

Other benefits

All funds managed by us are open-end, which means that the investment is not fixed in time. We will pay you money immediately upon receipt of a request to pay out unit certificates. The request can be submitted in person, by mail, via the Internet or to your financial agent. The money is yours and within reach all the time. For all requests and instructions, see the REQUESTS AND DOCUMENTS section.

Other benefits

Are you interested in investing in mutual funds or looking for further information?

This material is a marketing announcement. Before making any investment decision, review the sales prospectus, articles of association and key investor information document for IAD Investments, reports. spol., a.s. (hereinafter referred to as “IAD”) in the Slovak language at the registered office of IAD, at points of sale, at the registered office of the depositary or at www.iad.sk. For more information, contact your financial intermediary or www.iad.sk.

The value of the investment in the mutual fund may also decrease and the return on the amount originally invested is not guaranteed. There is also a risk associated with investing in mutual funds. In accordance with the mutual fund statutes, the share of securities issued by states and international organizations listed in the annex to the statutes of individual mutual funds may exceed 35% of the value of the fund’s assets, which may reach up to 100%. The IAD is obliged to pay out the unit certificate of the Prvý realitný fond and the Korunový realitný fond without delay, but no later than within an extended period of 12 months. Assets in the fund Prvý realitný fond is invested mainly in real estate, including accessories for the purposes of their management and sale, in ownership interests in real estate companies and in liquid financial assets, the economic nature of which results in close links with the real estate market. Korunový realitný fond has at least 85% of its assets continuously invested in the units of the Prvý realitný fond.

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