Basic information
Who is the fund for
The mutual fund is intended for investors who expect a higher return, accept higher short-term volatility and wish to deposit their funds for five years and more.
Fund manager: |
IAD Investments, správ. spol., a.s. |
Place of fund registration: |
Slovak Republic |
Investment focus: |
mixed funds |
Denomination currency: |
Bank details: |
IBAN: SK45 7500 0000 0002 5513 1643
Fund creation date: |
5. 11. 2007 |
Minimum initial investment: |
20 EUR |
Minimum subsequent investment: |
20 EUR |
Entry fee: |
up to 16 000 EUR*: 2,00 %,
16 000 EUR* and more: individually**
*total cumulative investment in our mutual funds
**in compliance with the principle of equal treatment of all investors |
Exit fee: |
0 % |
Management fee: |
1,99 % p.a. |
Depository fee: |
0,308 % p.a. including VAT |
Summary Risk Indicator (SRI): |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
We have classified this Fund as 5 out of 7, which represents a medium-high risk class. |
SK3110000617 |
Important documents: |
Documents and forms |
Fund detail
Fund characteristics:
- Mixed fund
- Recommended investment horizon of over 5 years
- The objective is higher long-run appreciation than bond funds and term deposits
- Medium-high market risk
- Investments in equity, bond and real estate funds traded on the stock exchange
- The fund is not regionally limited
Awards received:

Investment strategy:
The investment policy aims to invest the Mutual Fund’s assets mainly in transferable debt securities and shares traded on European and American stock exchanges, securities of other standard funds, securities of European standard funds and securities of open-end special funds or securities of other foreign collective investment undertakings traded. on a regulated market in accordance with the risk profile of the Mutual Fund. The ratio of the stock and bond components varies depending on the situation on the capital markets and is not limited. Investments in financial derivatives are used for the purpose of achieving returns as well as for the purpose of hedging against the mutual, interest rate and currency risk of the Mutual Fund. The Mutual Fund has an increased limit on corporate investments (concentration risk). The aim of the Mutual Fund is not to copy any financial index, nor is the development of any financial index monitored during the selection of investments, and a proactive approach to investments is applied.
Factors influencing the development of the fund’s value are in particular:
Significant impact:
General market risk, which means the risk of loss resulting from changes in the general level of market prices or interest rates.
Trhové riziko vyplýva zo zmeny trhovej hodnoty pozícií v majetku v podielovom fonde spôsobenej zmenami v premenlivých trhových faktoroch, ako sú úrokové sadzby, devízové kurzy, ceny akcií alebo zhoršenie úverovej spoľahlivosti emitenta.
Average impact:
Economic growth of the economy in the countries to which the mutual fund’s investments will be directed.
Specific market risk that arises from a change in the price of only one issuer of the relevant financial instrument.
Currency risk arises from changes in currency exchange rates.
Interest rate risk arising from changes in interest rates.
Equity risks arise from changes in the prices of equity securities.
The risk of an event due to unforeseeable circumstances that cause the market value of a financial instrument to decline suddenly or unexpectedly.